So I have been in New Jersey for approximately 25 hours and I still have not run into The Situation, Paulie D, nor Snookie. So, so far I basically just feel lied to and cheated. This is the real Jersey that I know.
Anyway, NJ isn't too bad; when you're not driving. It's awful in that sense. I love driving, and I feel like I'm nuts driving here. Highways that have stoplights - what!? That's antitheoretical (and that's not a word). So today was my first day at the Foundation and it was pretty fun. I got lost on the ride there and ended up on Rutger's campus and about 20 mins late, but everyone is really laid back so that was nice. We found out that we'll be heading to Kentucky for the Summer Leadership Institute on Monday for a week next Monday, which should be interesting. I'm to present on being a leader so they say. We'll see how that ends up. Dude, Princeton's campus is awesome. I haven't had a ton of time to really survey it yet because I'm still scared to drive slowly enough to look - but it seems really nice. Honesty, I don't have much else to say, so I'lljust link you to a song that I think is awesome as of late. B.o.B. is putting out some great music. This is with Rivers Cuomo of Weezer:
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