Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Heat Waves

I am in New Jersey right? Because as far as I can tell, the Jersey Shore crew and myself are on the sun. To corroborate this story, I hopped in my car after work (around 5:05, mind you) to see this:
I didn't even know my car could figure out it was this hot. AND, I was in the shade. Ridiculous! I'm currently losing all my body mass through the liquid sweating from me as I type you this. But I'll struggle through, for you need something to read!

So, unless you're horribly un-American, you probably realized our country's birthday was last Sunday. So, I drove up to Cohoes, NY to meet up with a friend and we both drove to Boston, Mass. on Friday night to celebrate with some friends. (PS, there's a Bonner Foundation update at the end, so skip to that if interested!)
I was pretty astounded by this one enormous (hill/mountain?) on the way to NY. Doesn't look too intimidating via iPhone photo but it was huuuge. Anyway, we basically spent three days/nights on a friend's balcony BBQing and heckling those who walked by. And by heckling, I mean being overly excited that America was having a birthday. We even yelled it in Spanish a bunch of times! Now that's multicultural. I just took some fun photos throughout Boston, so I'll throw 'em up here:
We found this ridiculously, unneededly, seemingly racist cereal while shopping for grilling supplies. Apparently they sell White Woman, Asian Lady, and Midlife Crisis flavor (and let's be serious, you know those two on the left aren't just friends).
We also got some ice cream at this awesome place in Quincy Market and naturally I made my cone Super American Pride Flavor: (Which, if you're wondering is mint chocolate chip AKA the best ice cream)
Later we decided to get our culture on and bought some pizza. Which is my favorite food ever, by the way.
They had some special that was like fresh asparagus and cheese or something but it doesn't actually matter because they advertised it with this:
Brilliant. Well, I did bring my real camera with me but I didn't snap a ton of photos with it - mainly because I know Boston pretty well..I know, selfish. I'm sorry guys! But I'll post what I did!
I have some kind of infatuation with telephone poles. They're completely mesmerizing to me! I'm like some kind of cat with one of those little mice that squeaks. Hours pass.
  This guy ended up upside down on his head balanced on another dude's head.

This group of street performers is always around Quincy Market. I'm pretty sure they make bank; they're super mean to the audience and really, for employed dancers...just ok. But this guy jumped three dancers and a little boy for the finale.
So from there we ended up going to see fireworks at some place we heard you could maybe see fireworks..you really couldn't, so I just fiddled with my camera for a bit:
Yup, that about wraps up 4th of July, 2010. Got stuck in about 7 hours of traffic on the way home!
But, I bet you're dying to know what's been happening at the Bonner Foundation lately, eh? Well, Bobby is now President; Wayne is moving to Atlanta, GA, shortly, and we've hit the ground running with this PolicyOptions website. So, what is it? Well, it's going to be a directory/database of every piece of legislation/news/data articles/campaigns/etc that hit's the internet within the service oriented world. Currently, we're populating the website with information on hunger/poverty/obesity information and making it usable to the general public. You can actually go on there now and see the research that myself, as well as the other interns, have been doing the past few days.

Check it out and see what we've been doing. The site should eventually end up like a Facebook news feed full of relevant, searchable data on service topics. Also, we finally submitted our changes/evaluation of the Results conference today..we'll see how that goes! Plus, got another intern today..some new-to-highschool assistant, and another highschool senior helping research. Oh my how office dynamics change!

Well, keep it chilled out everyone. I for one, can't seem to find that cold air!


  1. That ice cream looks like the triumvirate of flavor; glorious, delicious, powerful.

  2. Jack, looks like lots of fun!!! I live in NJ currently and have been dying in this heat too!!!! crazy....hope you are great!!! -Vanessa
